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Course curriculum


    2. Course Objectives

    1. Course Introduction - Fundamentals Part One

    2. Course Introduction - Fundamentals Part 2 - new version

    3. Course Introduction - Fundamentals Part Three

    4. Course Introduction - Principles and Questions

    5. Introduction Quiz

    1. Therapeutic Principles - Clinical Decision Making Part 1

    2. Therapeutic Principles - Clinical Decision Making Part Two

    3. Therapeutic Principles Quiz

    4. Therapeutic Principles - Clinical Decision Making and Case Studies

    1. Reframing the Kinesiopathological Model - An overview

    2. Reframing the KPM - Reconciling Posture, Performance and Sensitivity

    3. KPM Reframed Quiz

    4. 3 Reframing the KPM - overview (lecture 1) and posture (lecture 2) only

    5. 3 BONUS Material. - Reframing the Kinesiopathological Model - Overview and Posture & Performance with Bonus Material

    1. Targets of Exercise Prescription Overview

    2. Targets of Exercise Prescription - Knee Osteoarthritis Case Studies

    3. Targets of Exercise Prescription Quiz

    4. Targets of Exercise Prescription - Overview and Clinical Cases

    1. A note on this module, bonus material and future courses

    2. Exercise Prescription Variables and Dosage - Tendon Focused

    3. Exercise Prescription Variables - Developing strength, power, mobility and then some

    4. Exercise Prescription Dosages Quiz

    5. 5 exercise dosage and exercise targets

    6. Resource - Relevant Readings

About this course

  • $350.00
  • 60 lessons
  • 13.5 hours of video content


Physiotherapist and Clinical Educator Gregory Lehman

Greg is a physiotherapist, chiropractor and strength and conditioning specialist. He treats a range of patients from the elite athlete hoping to make it to the Olympics to the 63 year old with knee OA hoping to continue running and being active. Greg has a very diverse clinical and research background. Publishing more than 20 peer reviewed journal articles, speaking at international conferences and delivering the Globally popular Reconciling Biomechanics with Pain Science to over 2500 therapists in the past 5 years.

what's inside?

  • 13.5 Hours of Video

    We've produced high quality and edited talking head videos of our popular lectures. This is not just a recording of an in-person course. The lectures were specifically designed for on-line learning

  • Downloadable Lecture Notes

    You can download the .pdfs of each lecture for offline review

  • Related Readings

    We regularly add relevant research papers to bolster the lecture themes